Rules & Regulations

  1. Mobiles Phones:
    Mobile phone is strictly prohibited on campus. In case of an emergency, students are allowed to use the college phones with prior approval.B.   Uniforms:
    Rising bell for cadets is given at 4:30am since then till lights off at night, every cadet wears 6 different types of uniforms prescribed differently for each activity.  The purpose is to teach them the manners of different activities of the modern world
  • PT Kit (During Morning PT)
  • Khaki Dress (During Classes)
  • Prayer Dress (White ShalwarQameez, White Cap with Black Waistcoat)
  • Dinner Dress (Walking Out with Neck Tie & Blazer)
  • Sports Kit (During Evening )
  • Sleeping Dress
  1. Leave Discipline:
    Leave other than the holidays authorized by the college will not be granted except in very exceptional circumstances. No leave will be granted for attending weddings, except the wedding of real siblings. Name of Cadet absenting from College for seven consecutive days without a note of excuse from the parent, will be struck off the rolls. Cadets must bring formal leave application from parents and submit to college adjutant seeking Ex-post facto permission for leave.D.  Pocket Money:
    Cadets are allowed to withdraw from their Saving Accounts Rs. 140/- weekly as pocket money. Any cash found over and above this would be confiscated and credited to the pocket money account of the cadet concerned. Parents are requested not to give or send any money to their sons.

    E.   Visitors:
    Parents/guardians can visit their wards as per schedule:-

Saturday: 17:00 hours to 18:00 hours
Sunday: 09:00 hours to 11:30 hours
15:00 hours to 17:00 hours

Cadets are not allowed to invite their relatives/guests, in the Cafeteria or in College Boarding.

F.   Accidents/ Mishaps:
College will adopt all possible measures for the safeguard of all Cadets during their stay on the College Campus. However, the Colleges shall not be held responsible for any kind of accidents/mishaps causing any kind of physical harm or injury.

G.  Week-End Leave:
On every term there will be a fixed number of week-ends that cadet may avail. Parents/ Guardian are required to forward a leave application to the adjutant. Regarding their sons/wards at the beginning of each fortnight/week in writing or in person stating:

a)     Whether they would like their son/ward to spend his week-end-at-home with them or with relatives or friends.

b)     The name and address of the relative/friend with whom the boy will spend his weekends.

H. Journey To College/Home:
It will be the responsibility of the parents/guardians to arrange safe journey for their sons/wards for going homes and back to the College on beginning of Breaks/Holidays and after holidays. However, where possible, the College may arrange journey by rail/road to the Cadets in-groups on behalf of the parent/guardians for which responsibility will rest with the parents.­­

I.      Suspension from the College:
The Principal has full authority to fine, suspend or expel any student at any time he feels that student’s stay in the college is not in the best interest of the institution.

Cadets are liable to be withdrawn from the college due to following offences

a)     Cheating, lying, stealing, gambling and immoral conduct.
b)    Willfully and deliberately damaging the college property.
c)     Keeping fire-arms or knives etc.
d)     Breaking bounds.
e)     Rudeness to staff and seniors. Rude behavior of cadet’s parents towards staff.
f)     Absenting from the class and any other college activities without proper cause.
g)     Being habitually unpunctual, untidy and slovenly.
h)     Smoking, use of Narcotics in any form.

J.      Special Instructions:
General Instructions:-

  1. a)    Cadets must keep items of clothing, bedding & books listed in the hostel disciplinary rules updated from time to time.
    b)    Students suffering from contagious or infectious disease are not permitted to attend the college or stay in the hostel. Such students are sent   home after consulting the concerned physician. These cadets are to produce medical fitness certificate on their arrival after recovery.
    c)    Cadets may phone their parents once a week, on Saturday evening or Sunday morning.

Cadets  are  not  permitted  to  keep  the  following  in  the  college:-

a)      Transistor, Video games and electric appliances, personal Computer, Wireless Radio, T.V set, Walkman Set, etc are not allowed.
b)      Unauthorized medicines/ drugs.
c)       Money and valuables.
d)      Weapons of any kind.
e)      Cigarettes, Narcotics in any form.
f)       Matches, Burner, Heaters, etc.
g)      Musical instruments.